Crumpler Plastic Pipe, INC.

- Houston Crumpler
- Post Office Box 2068
Roseboro, NC 28382 (800) 334-5071
(910) 525-5801

Company Spotlight
Crumpler Plastic Pipe, Inc. is a manufacturer of 3"-to-48"High-Density Polyethylene Corrugated Plastic Pipes that meet ASTM specifications and AASHTO Highway Standards that are certified by the transportation NTPEP body. CPP Product Applications include Road Culverts, Parking Lot Detention-Retention Drains, Airport runway drains, Landfill drains, Industrial Waste Water Systems, Golf Course Landscape Drains, Sewer composting & Septic pipe systems. CPP also has the capability of fabricating site-specific large diameter fittings that are often required for the above-noted applications.
For more information, visit us at: or call 800-334-5071. (US) 910-525-4046(Overseas)
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